More Trojan Wars in 28mm

‘Bull’s hide shields being dressed in line, they rushed at the Danaans, certain that these could not resist the charge that swept now on the black ships.’ -Homer, The Iliad Despite completing the 6mm Trojan Wars project (for now), I’ve been quietly plugging away on a few more miniatures for the 28mm version. Here weContinue reading “More Trojan Wars in 28mm”

Partizan 2024: 28mm Middle-earth and 6mm Trojan Wars

Sunday 19th May saw myself, Tom, Pete, Andy and Martin crawl out of our beds far too early and get on the road to the awesome show that is Partizan at Newark Showground. Setting up on the edge of the Lard Zone, we put up our double-headed game format to promote my forthcoming Midgard HeroicContinue reading “Partizan 2024: 28mm Middle-earth and 6mm Trojan Wars”

6mm Trojan Wars: Partizan 2024 Show Preview #1

The Partizan show in May at Newark Showground is one of the gaming highlights of my year, and we usually get the Morris & Chums group together to put on a game or two. Tom WD got us onto the cunning/ unhinged idea of displaying in two scales at once back in 2017 (where weContinue reading “6mm Trojan Wars: Partizan 2024 Show Preview #1”