OGAM: a Greek mythic battle in the sacred city

Here’s a few snaps of one of my kitchen table games with Tom WD playing the excellent Of Gods And Mortals rules. We can see Hermes and Zeus smashing up an already-slightly-ruined city in the quest to see who is the best God…

If I recall correctly, the almighty Zeus got the better of Hermes, and there was a high casualty rate among the Legends (Talos, the Bronze Bull , Perseus and the Minotaur death-match).

There’s a right mixture of figures in our Greek myths collection: the giant models of Zeus and Talos are repainted tourist souvenirs purchased on Crete (appropriately enough); the Minotaur is a very old Grenadier model. Hoplites and harpies are from Foundry, with some Warlord Games plastic hoplites in the mix there as well. The second Minotaur and the Bronze Bull are part of the most excellent (and keenly-priced) Reaper Bones range. Hermes is part of the SHQ Greek Gods range.

Foundry Greek Myth range: https://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/greek-mythology

SHQ Miniatures Greek Gods & Goddesses: https://shqltd.com/product-category/25-28mm-ranges/25-28mm-fantasy-gods-and-goddesses/25-28mm-god-goddesses/greek-deities/

Warlord Games plastic hoplites: https://store.warlordgames.com/collections/aegean-states

Mighty Lancer Games are our go-to stockist for Reaper Bones models in the UK: https://www.mightylancergames.co.uk/pages/contact-us