More Trojan Wars in 28mm

‘Bull’s hide shields being dressed in line, they rushed at the Danaans,

certain that these could not resist the charge that swept now on the black ships.’

-Homer, The Iliad

Despite completing the 6mm Trojan Wars project (for now), I’ve been quietly plugging away on a few more miniatures for the 28mm version.

L-R: young champion, Old Nestor, Menelaus (what a massive helmet)

Here we have Nestor, Menelaus and a young (as yet unnamed) champion of the Achaeans. I don’t feel that he’s a major player as he doesn’t have a bronze breastplate or helmet, but he definitely has some heroic speeches in him!

Rear views: I opted for a painted shield for Nestor to show his rank. Menelaus was the testing ground for the GW Contrast paint purple – it’s loud!

These are all Wargames Foundry miniatures. I’ve done my usual method at the moment, which is base coating in GW Contrast/ Army Painter Speedpaints over a white undercoat, followed by assorted highlights in acrylics.

The bronze (my favourite part of the paintwork) is added after matt varnishing. After a basecoat of dark brown or black, I paint all the bronze with Vallejo Brass. This is followed up by a wash of Winsor and Newton Nut Brown ink and then a highlight of Vallejo Gold, with a tiny amount of Army Painter Sjining Silver on blade edges. As usual, I’m not looking to win any painting prizes, just trying to get some colourful minis onto the gaming table.

The heroes are on 30mm round bases from Warbases – I will label them up with their names for Iliad gaming.

Warriors are on a 20 x 25mm round-cornered base (or equivalent for multi-bases), again from trusty old Warbases.

These Achaeans are headed for the Lard Workshop at Britcon 2024 in Nottingham, where they will be taking on the Amazons in a heroic clash using my (still forthcoming) Midgard Heroic Battles rules.

With this in mind, I also set up a few photos with the opposition. Nearly all the Amazons are by Lucid Eye Publications with a few conversions.

Unusually for me, backdrops this time are not from Jon Hodgson, as I’m eagerly awaiting the new books for some more Mediterranean options.

Achilles vs the Amazon champion

Instead, these are photos from my travels printed out at A3 by my chum Pete.

Hopefully I can recapture something like this on the gaming table at Britcon.

Finally, here’s one of the survivors off on his travels somewhere mythic!

Trojan Hero (Foundry) with a Harpy (Artisan Guild 3D print from Etsy)

Next up in the project will be some chariots and Sea Peoples.

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