A Change of Scene: Jon Hodgson Backdrops Book

Fomorian by Alternative Armies from their Erin range in front of one of the 32 landscapes in the book

I’ve always enjoyed painting minis but never really got the hang of taking photos (generally because I had friends who were better at it than me), but one of the things I picked up from numerous photo sessions at Wargames Illustrated magazine was simple: backdrops massively improve your shots.

Jon Hodgson has always been adept at creating landscapes that have a strong narrative quality – seen to great effect on his work for The One Ring RPG (Cubicle 7) and Beowulf (Handiwork Games) – so it was a pleasant surprise a few years back when he branched out into miniature backdrops.

Oathmark plastic goblins in front of a frosty background.
More Fomorians, again by Alternative Armies

Originally available as part of Jon’s Patreon, these were later made available as packages on Drive-Thru RPG and Wargames Vault. However, they all required the user to download and print them out; not a big deal for some of us, but definitely not as accessible as they could be.

Orcs – plastic conversions using various kits
Fomorian Lord by Alternative Armies

Jon has a history of running successful Kickstarters and decided to put together a trial project – a spiral bound book of the backdrops that could be propped up and used for miniature photography straight out of the box.

Of Celtic Gods – the Dagda by Alternative Armies

With the project being wildly successful, I was pleasantly surprised when my copy turned up early, and couldn’t resist getting outside to get a few snaps on the next clear day.

Orc archers on the prowl – conversions of Gripping Beast, Mantic and Wargames Atlantic plastics.
This backdrop certainly feels like Mordor or Angband! Orcs converted from various plastics – Oathmark, Warlord Games, Gripping Beast, Games Workshop, Wargames Atlantic.

The printing is absolutely gorgeous – unsurprisingly, these are better than the versions I was printing myself at home. Although the book is slightly smaller than I’d like (A4, but I understand that the logistics of a bigger print would have made the project and postage unviable),

More Celtic myth: Lugh of the Long Arm by Lucid Eye.

The book is brilliantly easy to use. As you can see from the pics 0f the Elf Cavalry below, I had fun quickly changing the backdrop between shots to see how the atmosphere changed between different pieces of art.

Elven Riders converted from Oathmark Elves, Victrix Norman Knights and Reconquer Miniatures.

There’s nothing fancy being used here – I just placed the minis on a small terrain piece in natural light, propped up the book behind them and got snapping using an iPhone.

Minis, background book, terrain piece, natural light, iPhone. Sorted.

As well as the 32 pages of art, the book contains two useful short guides to photography – one technical and one starter level.

Fomorian Witch by Alternative Armies

There is also a Sci-Fi book currently available alongside the Backdrops book. You can find both books at Handiwork Games and also Bad Squiddo Games.

The Babh Macha by Alternative Armies; Crows by Great Escape Games, heads by Gripping Beast.

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